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What is it about?

It all started... with a job search

Hi there! My name is Max, and I've been a Product manager for 3 years.

At some point in my career, I decided to find a new job. Just like everyone else, I opened my LinkedIn and started applying. I've applied to 10, 20, 50 roles - without any response.

No interview invitations were coming, making the situation more and more frustrating...

I started to think how to fix this, what I could be doing wrong. At some point, I've noticed that some companies have roles published on their websites - that you can't find on LinkedIn or Indeed. I've started to apply for such roles.
Surprisingly, the response rate was much better. I've got my first interview. Then another one. And a few more. 

In the end, I've ended my job search with 2 offers in hand - and I described my journey here in the reddit post.

This newsletter idea came from my experience - I realized that I can share such product roles with other professionals on a regular basis. Who knows, maybe someone will find their dream job thanks to this digest.

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